Introduction: Hamster Camper

I was so proud after I made these hides / beds for my hamster. She used to sleep in one then move into the other for a while. She was a dwarf hamster and she was spoilt.

Step 1:

I made a bottomless box from pallet wood and a plywood top. I shaped the front and back with a sander to get the desired shape.

Step 2:

I painted it in VW colours and drew the windows with a pen. I drilled a hole in the roof and then cut the back window out.

Step 3:

Sorry. There are no steps to making the teardrop caravan, but to make it, I used a piece of wood for the floor and plywood sides. I cut the ply sides to shape and drilled a hole one side for the door and a small hole the other side for a window, then glued and pinned them to the piece of wood. The top was formed with wooden coffee stirers going across from one side to the other and glued on to the plywood edges. I then made a mixture of PVA glue and water and pasted paper onto the roof stays (coffee stirers). I placed a block of wood underneath and fitted a pair of wheels from a cylinder vacuum head that goes on the floor. I then painted it bright yellow and painted a hamster logo on the front and lights and plate on the rear.