Introduction: Happy Eggs

This is fun for the Kids


Paint or markers
Grass seeds

Step 1: Boil the Eggs

Put the eggs in water and boiler them

Step 2: Collor the Eggs

Make the eggs pretty you can use anyting

Step 3: Eat the Egg

To empty the egg cut of the top of the egg and eat. Leave nothing behind it needs to be clear

Step 4: Make the Feets

To make the egg dont fall put the flower and water to make dough and create a nice stand

Step 5: Fill the Egg

First put cotton in the botem then the seeds and then a litle blanked of cotton the cover them

Step 6: Place Them in the Sun

Give the egg water and put them in a nice place in the sun and let it grow

If the grass has grown they can cut the grass to create a nice hair cut

Eggs Challenge

Participated in the
Eggs Challenge