Introduction: Healthy Chocloate Chip Oatmeal Cookies

About: Interstellar traveller and writer of many things. I make stuff.

These cookies have been a family specialty for many years, and the original recipe has been altered many times to make healthier cookies. Hope you enjoy.

Yield: 2 dozen

Prep. Time: 15 min.

Cook time: 11 min.

Oven temp: 350 F

Step 1: Yes, You'll Need Some Ingredients.

The picture unfortunately doesn't have all the ingredients, but that's okay, I've listed all of them below.


Kitchen-Aid mixer with flat paddle


One or two baking sheets

Medium sized bowl


Cookie scoop (the thing you squeeze the dough onto the sheet with)

1 cup melted butter (you can substitute 1/2 cup of butter for 1/2 cup of coconut oil for healthier results)

1/2 cup brown sugar

1/4 cup white sugar

1 tsp vanilla

1 egg

1/2 cup white flour

1/2 cup whole flour (brown flour)

1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp cinnamon

3 cup. quick/instant oats (or whole oats, see Step #)

1 cup chocolate chips

Step 2: Mix Together Melted Butter, Brown Sugar, and White Sugar at Power 2

When done, it should look the same as in the picture. At this point, preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Step 3: Add in the Vanilla and Egg and Then Stir at Power 2

We'll be at power 2 the whole time. If you want to get real crazy, you can use more power, but I don't think you don't want a real huge mess.

Step 4: Mix the White Flour, Brown Flour, Baking Soda, Salt, Cinnamon, and Nutmeg Into the Wet Mixture on Power 2

In other words, mix all the dry ingredients into the medium sized bowl with a spoon (unless you want to use your hands) and then pour it into the kitchenaid and mix the dry with the wet.

Step 5: Prepare 3 Cups of Oatmeal

If you already have instant/quick oats, good for you! Just measure out three cups of that.

If you don't have instant/quick oats, but you have whole oats, you'll have to do what I had to do (unless you like big-sized oats in your cookies). Put in, a cup at a time, into the vitamix, and pulse each cup of oatmeal a couple times (you want the oats to be smaller, but not finely ground). And then you have three cups of smaller-sized oatmeal; this should make the cookies easier to eat.

And if you have whole oats and no vitamix, no problem. The cookies should taste just fine.

Step 6: Now You May Add the Oatmeal. Mix It Into Other Ingredients on Power 2

Step 7: Add in the Chocolate Chips and Mix on Power 2. Don't Forget to Eat a Few by Themselves.

And if you're not afraid of salmonella, have a taste of the dough. Licking the paddle is preferable prior to washing it.

Step 8: Get Out Your Cookie Sheet and Cookie Scoop (dough Squeezer) and Put Dough Onto Sheet.

If you don't know how to use the cookie scoop, it's very easy, just scoop some dough and scrape it on the sides of the bowl so that it's flat. Then squeeze cookie scoop over desire place on pan and the dough should drop out, with all delicious grace, onto cookie sheet. See? Easy. (I have added pictures just in case.)

If you don't have a cookie scoop, don't panic! I use my hands if I don't have one because in my experience, using hands for this task is easier than using two spoons. But if you like having clean hands, you can always do it the hard way and use two spoons. Taking a quick drive to the local grocery store for a cookie scoop is worth it.

Step 9: Once That's Done, Put Them in the Oven Once the Temp Is at 350 F. Cook for 11 Minutes or Until Golden Brown and Done-ish Looking.

If you live in the mountains, a different temperature or cook time may be needed. Don't be afraid to experiment; this should only be your first batch.

Step 10: Take Them Out So They Don't Burn. They Should Look Like Those Two Pictures Above.

Step 11: What Are You Waiting For?

Go ahead and eat, but you may want to wait for them to cool; no one likes a burned tongue.

I hope you enjoyed this recipe and I hope they turned out for you! There's nothing else like a good healthy chocolate chip oatmeal cookie, yes?

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