Introduction: Heart Shaped Cookie Cutter From Tin Can

This Instructable will tell you how to make a heart shaped cookie cutter out of a tin can. The techniques shown here can be used to make any kind of shaped cookie cutter.

Step 1: Tools and Materials

You will need:

- tin can (I used a Del Monte fruit cup can)
- fine tip marker
- block of wood the desired height of your cutter
- can opener
- tin snips
- square
- pipe section (size depends on what shape you are making)

Step 2: Cut

Mark the desired cookie cutter depth on your tin can. Resting your pen on a block, while rotating the can, will give you a straight line.

Remove the bottom of the can with a can opener. This will leave a nice safe edge- this is the part of the cookie cutter that you will press down on with your hand.

Use tin snips to cut along the cut line that you have marked. This is the edge that will do the cutting.

Smooth any sharp edges with a file or sand paper.

Step 3: Shape

Use a square to bend the metal perpendicular to the edge to form the "V" of the heart.

Use a piece of pipe to form the curves of the heart.
