Introduction: Heckmeck/Pickomino Game - Silhouette Portrait

Heckmeck/Pickomino is a dice game published & copyright by Gigamic in France.
You can find & download informations & rules here :

This project has been created with and for teenagers of a french library. They played the original Pickomino very often and wanted to make a DIY/MarioBros version of this game.

For this project, you need a Silhouette Portrait.


  • Silhouette Portrait (machine)
  • Silhouette Studio (software - free download :
  • Laptop
  • ".studio" files x2
  • A4 cardstock sheets x5

Step 1: Open the Silhouette Studio on Your Laptop

Step 2: Open

This file provides all the dominos in one A4 sheet.

Step 3: Set-up Your Silhouette Portrait & Send File to Cut Your Sheet

Don't forget to set-up correctly your Silhouette & its blade.
I used a cardstock with this set-up (you need to adapt it to your paper) :

  • Blade : 5
  • Speed : 3
  • Force : 27
  • Passes : 2

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Step 4: Open

Step 5: Set-up Your Silhouette Portrait & Send File to Cut Your Sheet X4

You need 8 dices to play Pickomino/heckmeck.
This file provides 2 dices per A4 sheet, so you need to cut 4 sheets.

Again, don't forget to set-up correctly your Silhouette & its blade.
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