Introduction: High Schol Logo

I made a small version of a high school logo on the middle of the football field and made it out of glass.


Stained glass, Metal, copper tape, sander, welding machine, wood, screwdriver, and screws.

Step 1:

I first drew out the outline for the glass.

Step 2:

I then carefully cut the glass.

Step 3:

After that, I sanded the glass to clean up the edges, and to make it so the copper tape sticks.

Step 4:

I put the tape on each glass.

Step 5:

I then welded the glass using metal and a real hot welder to weld the metal on the copper tape.

Step 6:

Once I welded everything together, I then cleaned the glass.

Step 7:

I then built the wooden frame by screwing in nails and putting it together.