Introduction: Hippie Steak

About: My full time job as an Organ Grinder keeps me pretty busy but that's just small change. My part time work, as a Mohel, keeps me up to date on my student loans from UCLSD.
Long ago I made a reference to a "hippie steak" while making my Peanut Butter Pizza instructable. (  I just did an image search for hippie steak and the first hit was my Peanut Butter Pizza photo. Looks like I need a hippie steak recipe.

Step 1: What Is a "hippie Steak" ?

A picture is worth a thousand words.......but in this case only four.  PB&J

Step 2: Ingredients

Case closed :)

Step 3: Although They Are Both Delicious..........

No groovy animals or hot models where harmed while making this instructable.  Thank you :)