Introduction: Home Made Lava Lamp
Today you will be creating a home made lava lamp, these lava lamps can make great last minute gifts and are also just an enjoyable activity.
Step 1:
Gather ingredients including: vegetable oil, water bottle, water, food coloring, Alka-seltzer tabs.
Step 2:
Empty out a plastic water bottle into the empty cup, you will use this water again in step 4
Step 3:
Fill the empty water bottle with ⅔ vegetable oil.
Step 4:
Fill the rest of the water bottle with water, leaving a little space at the top.
Step 5:
Be sure to not be forceful to insure separation of the water and oil
Step 6:
Add drops of food coloring to water bottle.
Step 7:
Stir the food coloring with the water using the metal stick but avoid shaking the entire mixture.
Step 8:
Break Alka-seltzer tabs into four pieces.
Step 9:
Add Alka-seltzer pieces in one at a time to the water bottle. At this time your home made will begin to form.
Step 10:
You can reuse this experiment for days to come by repeating steps 8-9.