Introduction: Homemade Cleaning Putty

About: Synth chick for electro-rock band, Former Human Beings

This is a DIY squishy putty that will help you clean hard-to-reach nooks and crannies just by rolling it around in them. Watch it pick up bits of nastiness you didn't know existed. (Yes, I felt a bit ashamed when I saw what it found!) Try rolling it on things like small vents, little ridges on furniture, and many other tight spots. You'll only need a handful of items to make it, most of which you'll already have at home.

The science to binding these elements together lives inside the contact lens solution: boric acid. Make sure whatever lens solution you use has boric acid in it. It's really a cross between slime and putty, but I feel weird suggesting you clean with slime. A hard sell. ;)

Once it binds, you'll really enjoy squeezing it in your hand. This might double well as a stress reliever!

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

You will need:

  • 2 ounces white glue (like Elmer's)
  • 1/8 cup water
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • contact lens solution

Step 2: Mix It Up

In a bowl, thoroughly mix together the glue, water, and baking soda. Add a small amount of contact solution and mix. Keep adding contact lens solution a few drops at a time while stirring.

Step 3: Pick It Up

When you roll it around the bowl and it starts picking up its own bits to create one blob, you're pretty much there. Knead it for a minute.

Step 4: Ready, Set, Clean!

Roll the putty around on different surfaces and watch it pick up alllll the grossness!

Step 5: Shock Shock, Horror Horror

Take a look at it and you'll see it's picked up crumbs, dust bunnies, and pieces of mechanical pencil that broke off in 1986.