Introduction: Homemade Nail Polish

About: I have a bearded dragon called Rango!!

Step 1: U Will Need

Some clear nail polish

Step 2:

Some cotton wool

Step 3:

Some nail polish remover

Step 4:

I'm using bronzing pearls for mine but u should use old eye shadow that I don't like!!!

Step 5:

And a paper clip or hair slide

Step 6:

Take a plastic pot that you are willing to through away

Step 7:

Scrape some eye shadow or blush into your pot

Step 8:

Step 9:

Squeeze the balls until powdery and put into pot

Step 10:

Step 11: Varnish

Pour a lot of polish into the pot of powder

Step 12: Remover

And straight after add the remover

Step 13: Mixing

Mix all the stuff together with your clip or hair slide (It may take about 3-5 minutes for all the stuff to mix up nicely into a quite liquidy paint/paste)

Step 14: Voila!!!!!

And there u have it!!! Your very own homemade nail varnish!!! You can sell it in small nail polish pots that u have collected and taken the labels off to ur neighbours and friends.