Introduction: Horrible Coke Prank
This prank is perfect for April fools day ..... It's one of the most horrible one to do to someone .........
Step 1: Ingredients
You will need ......
A coke bottle
A horrible sauce ..... Relish or vinegar ( I ran out of vinegar but doesn't mean you can't use it ;)
A coke bottle
A horrible sauce ..... Relish or vinegar ( I ran out of vinegar but doesn't mean you can't use it ;)
Step 2: Drink
Down your coke .... It took me 7 seconds .... Comment how long it took you :)
Step 3: Ewwwww
Pour it the horrible stuff .....
Step 4: Nearly There
You are so close now to finishing
Step 5: Stinky
Clean the bottle top so it removes any smell of vinegar/relish :)
Step 6: Now Lets Play the Waiting Game
Then just wait for your target to take the prey .... Don't make it too obvious but place it so that they will see it and they will consume it hehe good luck :) follow, favourite and vote :) comment how your prank went ..... P.s don't do this to your girlfriend ..... Hehehehe