Introduction: Hot Glue Rocket Step 0: Paper
Grab your desired amount of paper to make the body of the rocket
Step 1: The Body
Make your paper into the shape you want of the body and tape it around a few times. You can repeat this step to make your rocket bigger.
Step 2: Reinforement
Coat the hole body of the rocket in hot glue to make it better reinforced
Step 3: Closing the Top
Plug up the hole at the top with super glue to make it more solid to put the tip on.
Step 4: Fins
Trace the shape of the fin you want on paper and fill in the traced area with hot glue.
Step 5: Fins and Body
Hot glue the fins to the body
Step 6: Tip
Make a desiered tip for your rocket the hot glue it to the top of your rocket and bam your done!