Introduction: How I Paint My Drawings With Watercolors

About: I love crafting and gaming! I and like to talk a lot xD
This is my first DIY project I hope you like it!

The things you will need for this project is:

Some paint brushes
Watercolor paper or canvas
Pencil & eraser

Step 1: Drawing You Picture

The first step is to draw your picture how I want it
of course you can draw anything your heart desires :)
What I did is I took a price of paper and cut it out into a heart shape then I taped it on the bottom and did the next step.

Step 2: Start PAINTING!!!

So after I taped my heart on to the watercolor paper I start to paint an ombre red/pink.
I didn't show you how I did it because I want to show you it in a next DIY
I did make some mistakes but that's ok.

Step 3: Peel Off the Heart

I have to be very CARRFUL of peeling it off.
So that the tape doesn't peel offhand of the paper

Step 4: Clean It Up!

Take some white paint and go around the edges so it looks for beautiful :)
It might take a few coats to make it look line it wasn't there
And then your done!
You can add anything else on to your painting ok guys i hope you liked it!