Introduction: How NOT to Bake Cookies in Your Car

Earlier this summer, we were experiencing record temperatures for multiple days in a row. After the bitter cold winter and the power going out for 4 days during sub-zero temperatures, I decided not to complain about the heat. Instead, I tried to celebrate it.

I say that I tried because it was a total failure 2 days in a row.

I decided to bake cookies in my car. All the websites promised me that if I left a tray of cookie dough on my dashboard, that I would end up with a great smelling car and cookies to much on during the drive home. It didn't work. The pans got plenty hot. I burnt my fingers picking them up. The cookies were not even close to baked.

I went back to the internet, did a whole bunch of research, and came to the conclusion that I just didn't start early enough. I just did not give them enough time.

The next day, I got the cookies ready by 8:30 in the morning. I did not check on them until 3:00 in the afternoon--and even then I was really quick so that I would not loose too much heat. They still were not done a 5:00.

To say I was disappointed is an understatement. I was frustrated, annoyed, and a bit hurt.

Step 1: Epiphany

It took 2 days of stewing it over to figure it out.

Look at the picture. Can you figure out what I did wrong?

I always bake cookies on a silicon mat. I have done this for so many years that I didn't really think much about it. It was just automatic.

Silicon is an insulator--and a pretty good one. Why else would they make hot pads and oven mits out of it?

I had to finish baking this in the oven. During an unbearable heat wave! It was awful.

Step 2: Wait for the Next Heat Wave

I missed the next heat wave--very busy.

But these were baked on an 80 degree day. Not even the 90+ temperatures that produce the epic failure. The neighbor kids were very willing to be my tasters. They loved them. They even took extras to show to their parents.

I recommend letting the sheet cool down before using a spatula to remove the cookies. These are a soft baked cookie and the cooling time helps a bit.

As for the egg issue. There were a number of people who were concerned about the eggs in the cookie dough. My research shows that the car temperature gets high enough to cook the egg--or else the cookie would remain a soft gooey blob of cookie dough. To be honest I have been eating raw cookie dough for 50 years. I have never gotten sick but I know there are people who worry.

If the egg issue bothers you there are some options.
1--use a recipe that has no eggs (a vegan recipe might work)
2--use an egg substitute (available commercially but I have never tried them)
3--make the cookies but feed them to someone else first. If they don't die, your cookies are probably safe.

I personally eat raw cookie dough (can't help some bad habits) and don't have an issue with being your taste tester.
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