Introduction: How to Make a Teddy Bear
Step 1: Materials
x2 cutouts of head, body and legs
2 buttons
Needle and thread
Some cotton
Some pins
2 buttons
Needle and thread
Some cotton
Some pins
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4: Sew the Head
Now that you have buttons you can sew the head. Put both pieces together backwards and sew. At the bottom leave an unsewed part that fits the top of your body. When done flip I outside out and set aside
Step 5: Sewing the Body
Now we start the body. We do the same thing as the head but you leave an open space at the top and the bottom.
Step 6: Sewing the Legs
Now we do the same thing as the head and leave a space at the top.
Step 7: Adding the Head and Body Together
Now you take your head and body stuff with cotton and put pins all around to keep it together while you sew.
Step 8: Adding the Body and Legs Together
Now you repeat what you did for the head but this time with the body and legs.
Step 9: Your Finished Teddy Bear
Now you are finished your teddy bear.