Introduction: How to Make an Automatic Cactus Farm on Minecraft PE

About: Instagram @emway2c I love going to Maine and exploring nature. I've been selected to go to France and England this summer! I'm here to help!
In this instructable I'll show you how to make an Minecraft PE cactus farm
This works in survival too!

Step 1: Supply

You need
Carved stone (Quartz, etc.)
Fence gate
Water bucket

Step 2: Sand

Place 2 x 6 sand

Step 3: Stone Pt 1

Place stone one block away around the sand

Step 4: Pillars

Put 4 block pillars on each corner

Step 5: Connect

Step 6: Second Set

Put floor and make a one block gate around it.
Then make a hole front and center
Put a sign in the hole (to hold water

Step 7: Pillars 2

Put pillars on the longer side of the outline
Make sure it lines up with the sand

Step 8: Gate

Place the wooden gate on the second block on the pillar (or 3rd counting the outline)
You have to place a block under the block you want to place the gate
Then break the block

Step 9: Open Gate

If the cactus grows 2 blocks and doesn't break close the gate

Step 10: Do It on the Second Floor

Step 11: Add Water

Add water back and center on both floors

Step 12: Place

Place the cactus

Step 13: Torch

Step 14: Wait

Step 15: Done!

Now you have an automatic cactus farm! You never need to replenish it because it replenishes it's self!!!
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