Introduction: How to Make the Simple Omniwing Paper Airplane

About: Paper airplane maker: 400+ designs so far and more in development!
Fast and long range, the Simple Omniwing is a flying wing paper airplane that is--as its name suggests--simple. Although its name may imply it is just another Omniwing variant, in fact it is not and actually has no structural commonality whatsoever. I am very pleased by this airplane because of its excellent performance and original design.

I began designing the Simple Omniwing upon realizing that the original Proto-Omniwing and my developments of that aircraft, the Super Omniwing, OmniScimitar and Manta were all fairly complex. Coinciding with this were recent requests for increased simplicity, I decided to approach initiatives with one simple aircraft of similar design to the Omniwing variants. This would become the Simple Omniwing.

The simplicity of this design enables easy construction and operation indoors, such as by students and in classrooms. Educators could easily use this versatile paper airplane to demonstrate:
  • Glide ratio
  • Hangtime versus other aircraft
  • Weight and balance
  • Flight dynamics
TAA USAF Designation: F258-1

Step 1: Materials

1 Piece of 8.5 by 11 inch Paper

Step 2: Width and Corner Folding

Start making your Simple Omniwing by folding it in half along its width. Then on one of the halves, fold the corner down to the center fold. Then repeat on the other side. Once the creases have been established, unfold each. Then fold the paper folds into themselves as shown. Then fold again. Once this is finished, unfold the paper.

Step 3: Airfoil Folding and Counterweight Preparation

Begin folding your Simple Omniwing's airfoils by folding the nose of the airplane back to the meeting points of the back of the corner folds. Fold the blunt tip of the crease of this fold into the center on each side as shown. Proceed to fold the paper in half along the center at this point. While folded, measure 2 inches from the trailing edge along the center crease and make a mark. Then measure 2 inches from the center crease along the trailing edge and make a mark. Then connect the marks with a diagonal line. Cut along this line and separate the triangle piece from the rest of the paper. Do not discard this triangle.

Step 4: Cutting and Folding the Fins and Taping

Measure 0.75 inches in from the trailing edge along the wingtip and make a mark. Measure 1 inch in from the wingtip along the trailing edge and make a mark. From this mark, measure and make a 1 inch line inwards from the mark you made along the trailing edge. Once this line is made, connect its edge with the mark on the wingtip. Proceed to cut along this line.

After these cuts have been made, tape the airfoils of your Simple Omniwing at their rear edges as shown.

Step 5: Making and Applying the Counterweight

Unfold the triangle you made previously when you prepared the counterweight. Pull each of the corners forward to the front tip. Then turn the paper around vertically and pull the paper back toward its own crease and then make a perpendicular crease as shown. Pull the remaining one layer over the rest of the paper. Take the airframe and flip it inverted. Place the counterweight at the front of the aircraft. Proceed to tape the triangular counterweight to the nose of the airplane as shown. Once this is done, flip the airplane over and unfold the vertical fins. Your Simple Omniwing is now complete.

Step 6: Flight

The Simple Omniwing is a flying wing that can fly with great grace and does so very easily. Launches should be at moderate speed, with the airplane being held by 3 fingers (1 over the wing, 2 beneath the wing). This type of launch will give flights the longest range at the best speed. Additional applicable surfaces include slats, rudders, spoilers, spoilerons, elevators, ailerons, elevons, and air brakes. Enjoy!
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