Introduction: How To: Pen Gun
How to make a pen gun for desk entertainment.
G2 pen
X-Acto Knife
Step 1: Taking the Pen Apart
- Unscrew the two halves of the pen
- Using the pen cartridges to push the clicker button out of the back of the pen
- Tap the open end of the front half of the pen on a table to knock the spring out
Step 2: Cutting
This step requires use of X-Acto knife.
- Cut the grip off using the X-Acto knife
- Cut the cone off the front side of the pen
WARNING: Proceed with caution when using the X-Acto knife.
Step 3: Assembly
- Put the larger peace of the clicker button back into the bottom half of the pen
- Put the spring into the bottom half of the pen followed by the smaller piece (skinny side down as shown in the picture) of the clicker button
- Screw the top half of the pen back onto the bottom half
Side Note: If the two halves are not screwed back together the pen gun will not function properly.
Step 4: Loading and Enjoying
- Push pen cartridge into the pen gun until you hear a small click loading the pen gun
- When ready click the pen and the cartridge will shoot out
WARNING: Do not shoot towards face or eyes.