Introduction: How to Draw Ducky Momo From Phineas and Ferb (PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!)

About: We are a team that creates instructables, and also a family. We love creating posts, and also doing projects. We love cool stuff, and gadgets.

How to Draw Ducky Momo.


Thank you for taking time to read this intractable. It is done by our six year old sister, who's dream is to be published on instructables. She would be absolutely thrilled to win a contest. Please vote for her, she would love it and be extremely elated if she won. Please, from the bottom of our hearts, vote for her. Thank you for your time, and keeping the dream of the next generation of instructables authors alive. Thanks again!


Step 1: DRAW

Step 2: DRAW

Step 3: DRAW

Step 4: DRAW

Step 5: DRAW

Step 6: COLOR

Fandom Contest

Participated in the
Fandom Contest

Summer Fun Contest

Participated in the
Summer Fun Contest