Introduction: How to Draw a Bird

These are 17 steps to creating a bird





Colors (if wanting to color your bird)

Step 1: Draw the Head

Begin by drawing a small circle. This will form the birds head.

Step 2: Draw the Body

Next, enclose an irregular shape to the right of the circle, using two curved lines that meet in a point. This will form the birds body.

Step 3: Draw the Tail

Extend two more curved lines above and below the point. Connect these lines using a curved line. This forms the birds tail.

Step 4: Draw Wing 1

Extend a wing from the upper portion of the body using two wavy, roughly S shaped lines. The lines should meet in a point.

Step 5: Draw Wing 2

From the area of the head, extend two more curved lines that meet in a point. This will form the second wing.

Step 6: Erase Guide Lines

Erase the guide lines from the head, base of the wing, and tail.

Step 7: Draw the Beak

Draw the beak using a series of curved lines. The beak should form a point on its bottom side.

Step 8: Erase Guide Lines

Erase the guide line of the circle from within the beak

Step 9: Add Feathers to the Left Wing

Add flight feathers to the left wing by overlapping a series of connected U shaped lines within the bottom line of the wing.

Step 10: Erase Guide Lines

Erase the guide lines from the wing

Step 11: Add Feathers to the Right Wing

Draw a series of extended U shaped lines extending from the right wing

Step 12: Erase Guide Lines

Erase the guide line from the wing

Step 13: Add Feathers to the Tail

Add feathers to the tail by drawing a series of connected U shaped lines along the tip of the tail

Step 14: Erase Guide Lines

Erase the guide lines from the tail

Step 15: Adding Detail

Add the detail of feathers to the bird. Draw a series of U shaped lines within each wing parallel to the flight weathers. Allow some U shaped lines to connect, and others to stand alone. Draw several curved lines in the birds torso and draw slightly curved lines on the birds tail.

Step 16: Draw & Shade the Eye

Draw a small circle in the middle of the head to form the eye, and a dot within the beak to form the nostril. Draw a large circle within the eye and a smaller oval circle within it. Shade the area between the larger circle and the smaller oval.

Step 17: Draw the Feet

Draw a series of connected, curved lines above the tail to form the ruff of feathers along the leg. Draw a small enclosed shape below this to form the leg itself. Beneath the leg, draw several small tear drops shapes to form the toes. Draw another set of tear drop shapes on the line of the stomach to form the other foot.