Introduction: How to Draw a Prom Dress (For My GF)

About: Practice in aeromodel sport from 2009. Win some competition in Russia. To lazy to make some by hands and want to make some CNC :)

If you want you can do anything...
With this thoughts i start design unique dress for the high school graduation ceremony for my GF.
From simple scetch to amazing dress.


At first we need:

  1. Scetch book;
  2. Pencil;
  3. liner or ink pen;
  4. Something for color (everything you want. at this guide is a pens);
  5. and last what you need - familiar seamstress (or take contacts from web).

Step 1: Make a Base for Body

Draw some straight lines and circles. Dont forget about proportions.

Step 2: Make Some Volume on Skelet

You can easy do it by smooth lines between circles

Step 3: Clear and Start Again :)

Make your lines lightvisible and start draw some dress elements.

Step 4: Clear and Start Again (again)

Make your art more comfortable to read. Clear every wrong line, circle the good lines by inkjet (liner prefer).

Step 5: Make It Colored Now

This step like coloring for kids. Pencil, colored pen, gouache, take a way you like.

Step 6: Give It to Your Seamstress

Search one in web or take contact from your friends. If you understand each other that's gonna be a best dress at event.

Good luck and Thanks for reading.
From Russia with Google translate.

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