Introduction: How to Easily Fix Broken Christmas Lights:Don't Throw Them Out!

About: Hey guys! I'm a 5th grader making Instructables.Follow, favourite and comment on my Instructables to make my dream come true! Contact me for any problems. :)

Well, its a chilly November at the time of writing and we're all getting ready for Christmas.Once we opened the lights, there was some thing odd.All the wires were ripped or torn.Well, I got all of them repaired DIY! Here, in this Instructable,I'll show you how to repair one of these lights.


Supplies you need to do this repair:-

1.A set of Christmas lights(broken)

2.A soldering Iron

3.Electrical tape

4.Wire Stripper

Step 1: Cut the LED

Well, in my case, the LED was completely epoxied in place so I had no choice but to remove it.You can if you wish, put in a new LED and solder that on.In that case, go to step 4.

Step 2: Strip the Wires

Strip the wire ends with a wire stripper.

Step 3: Soldering the Wires Together

Solder the wires, and then check the connection(s).

Step 4: Insulating the Connection

Tape up the connection very securely.

Step 5: Conclusion

Thats it! I hope you liked my Instructable, and if this helped you repair some broken Christmas lights, then give a favourite! I'll catch you next time!