Introduction: How to Get Rid of Hiccups in One Step

About: I am a high-school aged home school student currently residing in the state of Texas.

Ever eat too fast or laugh too much and get the hiccups?  Well, here is the method that works for me.

And the solution is... Balsamic vinegar! I have no idea why this works, but whenever I get the hiccups and want to get rid of them, I just get a spoonful of Balsamic vinegar, tip my head up, and drink it! The only thing is to be sure that it coats your throat. The one time that it didn't coat my throat all the way, it didn't work and I had to do it again. The only problem is that it tastes DISGUSTING.

Well, that's it! Hope you like it, and if you have any questions or comments just write them in the comments section, and I'll answer them as soon as I can.