Introduction: How to Get Water in a Desert or Other Hot Place

About: Hi, I'm an artist, crafter and a baker! I love all things related to art and design. Please visit my website:
In this DIY i will be showing how to get water in a hot place

Things you need:

• A container that is big enough to hold a few rocks and plants

• Some small pebbles or rocks

• A few plants

• and plastic wrap

• a smaller container

- Firstly, take your container and add a few rocks

- Then add the plants

- Then add the small container on the plants and rocks

- Then cover the top with plastic wrap, but make sure to cover up the whole thing!

- Then put it in direct sunlight

The reason this works is because plants to something that is similar to sweating, which is called transpiration. It is a process that occurs in plants when they release unnecessary water through their leaves.
Brave the Elements 2016

Participated in the
Brave the Elements 2016

Survival Ready Contest

Participated in the
Survival Ready Contest