Introduction: How to Grow Vegetable Plants!

About: Well I like building, gardening and jazz and many other things ,that have to do with outside stuff like nature....
              My instructable shows you how to grow plants 
some are easy to and some aren't. This is a good growing guide for beginners
who are eagger to learn to how to grow vegteables.

Well  most plants will grow in warm weather and cool weather
but will it take hot or cold weather; is it frost tolerant? Plants mostly will like  part shade,
Wel,l I hope you read my instructable to find out more.

 Watering is a biggie cause if your plant
 gets too much water it may cause your vegteables to split, example:
carrots or onions  can split if they are given too much water.
 Lack of water can result in weaker stalks, plants don't grow and  die. 
Watering under leaves is better becuse  it helps not to spread diseases. So yes,
water is a big biggie! You definitey want to know  how much water to give your plants.

 Yes, it is a good  to know how to plant your plants cause you can plant
 too deep which will cause your seedling  to take longer
for the plant to emerge which means  a shorter harvest time.
Spacing is good question to ask  cause plants need their space and the
plants that need to be fertilized do not like to share their space, cause they are heavy feeders
and they need all the nutrition  they can get to produce better fruit.
Or  vines like cucumbers, watermelon,  squash ......... it's best to space them evenly because
you don't want the vines to cross into each others territory.
Yes, some vines can be grown on the ground,
or to save more garden space cucumbers can be grown like a vine on a fence or wire.
Some plants may need to be planted on mounds like watermelons, cantelope...........
I hope this encourages you to know more on how to plant your plants and spacing.

Now the worst soil to have is heavy clay soil. Or manure, 
chicken manure must be well rotten cause its so high nutritions that it will burn your plants.
and some plants its best to have the soil prepared weeks before planting.
Now all topsoil bags should have numbers on them that are like this
21-15-10 the first number stands for the percentage of nitrogen
which gives the plant color and stimulates foliage growth.
The second number is the percentage of phosphorous .
Phosphorous  helps give an abundance of flowers and fruit
and at last the third number is the percentage of potash
which helps make stronger roots.
Is my garden soil the right type for my plants
well many different plants like different soil. Carrots like sandy soil
or onions like clay soil but plants that grow the food under ground like really loose soil
and most of the plants in the world like well drained soil.

Most plants are heavy feeders and need to be fertilized every two weeks.
There are little feeders and they just need to fertilize only once in there entire growing season
or some plants do not need to be fertilize at all. Some plants use liquid fertilizer.
             Now I hope I have pursuaded you to dig deeper and find out more on how to grow vegetables
good luck on growing and I hope you have fun.

Step 1: Broccoli, Soil,Growing Climate,Watering,Planting

                Broccoli is a member of the cabbage family now broccoli flower stalks can be
purplish, white & green in color and it also has tiny yellow  flowers. the edible parts are the broccoli heads
and the leaflets,stalks.


                        Broccoli likes well drained soil in full sun.
                   Soil type, broccoli prefers soil with a pH 6.0 to 7.0
              prepare your garden bed with rotten manure or compost .
           If soil is sandy add extra nitrogen supplement to your  garden soil  in
            3 to 4 months you can harvest your broccoli.                      
                         GROWING CLIMATE
 Growing broccoli can be succesful in most climates but not extreme
hot weather or extreme cold weather although it's best to
plant it in cool climates and yes it is frost tolerant.
Sow your broccoli seeds in soil 1/2 deep 3" apart, during late spring.
                If you want to plant your seeds earlier plant them indoors in a small pot
a month before  transplanting.
                      Broccoli watering, water your broccoli every day
keep your soil lightly moist  by water frequently. as broccoli heads mature cut down on watering.
If you don't provide    enough water for your broccoli plants during the growing season
your broccoli plants will go to seed  with out forming heads.

         Liquid fertilize your broccoli plants every 2 weeks
         when the broccoli heads appear. You can make your own liquid fertilizer at 

Step 2: Watermelon, Watering,Feeding,Planting,Growing Climates,Soil

                Watermelon is one of summers favortie fruit its  sweet and delicious
             and easy to grow.

Watermelon is pretty easy to grow, but few gardeners practice
growing watermelon. Probably because growing watermelon
requires a so much space in the garden (unless you're creative
with trellising and supports). Additionally growing watermelon
requires a climate with long, hot summers. In a cooler climates,
try growing watermelon varieties that mature faster (and start the seeds inside).
"Baby" varieties that are smaller are better for a shorter growing season.  Also, row covers may help.

watermelon grows best in soil  that has plenty of
                 manure or compost and soil that drains well
              so I would add a little sand to it for draining if you don't h
ave a very good drainage system.
Watermelon is a heavy feeder and does not like to be competition
so keep your watermelon well weeded.

Make mounds of dirt about 3 ft wide and 1foot high .
Allow 4-5 of space between mounds and plant 1 inch deep.

                   GROWING CLIMATES
              When growing it needs  watermelon  needs full sun and good air,
     Watermelon grows best in  warm & cool cilmates and it does not tolerate frost.  

                  Watermelon does not take drought. So water frquently     
         water under the leaves not on top. Once it starts producing fruit
cut down on watering.

                         Watermelon is a heavy feeder. fertilize with a liquid fertilzer      
                   every  2 weeks.

Step 3: Cauilflower,watering,feeding,planting,growing Climates,soil

                                      Cauilflower is also part of the cabbage family.

Cauliflower is grown as a vegetable garden annual. 
Heads can be white, green or purple.  Varieties are
available for short or long growing seasons. 

                     Keep the soil moist but do not water 
  on the cauilflower head.

                Rich soil compost or manure well dug
         and moist soil.

           Liquid fertilize every 2 weeks when the first cauilflower
heads appear.

                                  GROWING CLIMATES
                        Full sun but can not talk extremly hot heat.
              Grows best in warm & cool weathers and does tolerate frost.

  Sow indoors in early spring, transplant  while the soil is still cool
plant 1/4 deep and space 2 feet apart.

Step 4: Cabbage,watering,feeding,Planting,growing Climates,soil


Cabbage is one of the oldest recorded vegetables,
dating back to 2000 years B.C.  It is a very hearty annual
garden vegetable (you can often grow it year round!). The
leaves and head are either green or purple, depending upon the variety grown. 


Keep soil moist and if you have dry weather water every week.

          It's best to have Rich soil with well dug compost or manure
       mix  deeply into soil.

    Dreach your cabbage plants every 2 weeks
  with organic liquid fertilizer.

   Plant in a Full sun location grows best in cool & warm weather.
But can not take extremly hot & cold weather
and does not tolerate frost.
Space the cabbage about 12 inches apart
and plant 1/4 deep, space 3" apart. Plant
outdoors when the first ture 4 leaves are showing.


Step 5: Carrots,watering,planting,growing Climates,soil


Carrots are hardy biennials.  You can grow round and short
varieties of carrots in cotainer gardens, but if growing the
longer variety, you will need to grow them in an open garden. 
The underground root is part harvest crop, and they come in a variety of colors and sizes.


                                      GROWING CLIMATES
                               Carrots grow best in cooler weather
                       but do fine in most weathers and
tops tolerate light frost; roots survive hard freezes. 

                                 Mix sand, compost and a little
                       peat mose deeply dug.If you are using
            manure make sure it is well rotten and keep your soil
       lose. keeping soil  well drain is important to carrots because 
   your carrots will crack.

      Carrots can not be planted indoors
  or transpanted cause It will grow crooked roots.
Plant 1/4 deep and 10 inches apart.

Water lightly, daily until
seeds emerge. Water heavily
on dry days.



Step 6: Cucumbers,watering,feeding,planting,growing Climates,soil


Cucumbers are popular to grow, but can have some challenges
(namely from plant diseases and pests).
There are many varieties of cucumber plants available,
but if container gardening, select a bush variety.

                                          GROWING CLIMATES
            If you are going to be  Growing cucumbers
                         it would be best to grow them in warm weather but they can
                   grow in most weather they do not tolerate frost .
(Growing cucumbers in colder weather means shorter harvest time)

                  It would be best to prepare your garden a week before planting.
          Add compost or manure  mix well in the soil.  Note: if your climate
        has a lot of rain I would add lime to your soil in the fall or if you
    have acidic soil.  

              When tempures hit in the 60s 
         sow cucumbers in the garden bed   plant
2/3 deep  sow 20 in apart.
  Sowing  in mounds 8 in tall and 30 in apart   
 or to save space cucumbers if you grow cucumbers as a vine,
   plant 10 in apart.

      Dont let the soil dry out. water regulerly
but under the leaves  not on top. ( Less diseases of spreading. )

         Give your plant or vine a liquid fertlilzeing
         once the vines or plant begins to grow aggressively.


Step 7: Peas,watering,feeding,planting,growing Climates,soil


Peas are grown for their sprouts, pods, and seeds.
  Garden peas are grown for the seed.  Snow peas
and sugar snap peas are grown for their pods. 
Tender leaflets and sprouts can be used in salads.  
Most peas are climbing plants, but there are also dwarf
bush varieties available.  Dwarf peas do not need a trellis to grow, do need some support.

                                        GROWING CLIMATES
                        Any climate should support peas
         but it is best to grow in cooler weather. Also
         frost will damage the pods, If you know the frost
    is coming, cover up the plants  with a garbage bag
or old sheets, direct sunlight or partial shade is best for growing peas. 

Plant your peas in  the early spring, outdoors
plant 2 in deep and 2 in apart. Keep the soil
moist cause the seeds can rot.

                         Add plenty of compost or manure.
Rotate your pea crops around the garden from year to year. 
Pea crops fix nitrogen in the soil, which can cause problems
for future pea (or legume) crops in the same location. 
After harvesting, dig the whole plant back into the soil for green manure fertilizer. 

    When you are growing your peas
keep the soil moist not wet or soggy.
Water under the leaves not on top.

                      peas need some thing to support them.


Step 8: Onions,watering,feeding,planting,growing Climates,soil

  Onions make good companions for several
garden vegetables which they awared off pest like bugs and rabbits. 
However, DO NOT plant onions near peas or beans.                           

                                  Onions do well in clay soil.
                             Add rotten compost or manure
                        make sure the soil is lose and deeply dug with
                       manure or compost.

                                GROWING CLIMATES
              Onions can grow in almost any weather.
However onions are temprature sensitive and do
not like garden beds that get too hot. When you are
growing onions, they do tolerate frost.
 Select  a day and place that match
your growing season and storage.
 Plant your onion bulbs in your garden
space 8 in apart  plant 1 to 2 in deep,
grow in  a row and in raisd mounds.

Water regularly every day.
Not watering enough will cause
the plants to grow slowly and will  cause the onion bullbs to  split.

Fertilize mid-season use manure or
compost tea, bone meal, or a complete fertilizer. 


Step 9: Lettuce,watering,feeding,planting,growing Climates,soil

Growing lettuce crops are most effective during your area's
cool seasons (this vegetable tends to go to seed and get bitter in
hot temperatures). However, there are varieties out now that can
tolerate warmer temperatures, and a few tricks to help too.
Lettuce is a good vegetable for container
gardening, particularly if using smaller leaf-lettuce type varieties

                                            GROWING CLIMATES
                      lettuce can be grown in nearly all gardening climates,
year round  depending on the variety you select.
Lettuce will grow in l sun or partial shade. Although it does not
grow very well in hot locations, lettuce grows best in cool weather
in early spring or fall is a good start out for growing.Tolerates
light frost, but needs protection from hard freezes.

     Lettuce doesn't grow well in alkaline soils.
Mix  compost and well-rotted manure in soil
several weeks before planting.

                            Plant in part shade. Lettuce seems happiest
at under 75 degrees (and can tolerate temperatures into the 40's).
Plant your lettuce and cover the seed with a very thin (1/4") layer
of light garden (or seed starting) soil. Keep the soil moist.
When the plants have reached   3” tall, thin them.
Overcrowding stunts this vegetable's growth.
Use the thinned plants as tender and tasty accents to your salad!

          Keep your soil moist not wet. During the hot days
 extra watering may be needed. Lettuce will not do well in dry soils. 
Do not let the soil dry out when growing.

 Fertilize every two weeks with liquid fertilizer.
(This also helps ward off many of the fungal
disesases that can occur when growing lettuce.)



Step 10: Celery,Watering,Feeding,Planting,Growing Climates,Soil


Celery is a biennial and a member of the carrot family.
 This vegetable is a tight collection of green stalks reaching up to
10” tall.  Stalks, leaves, and seeds are edible. Note: Celery
is not one of the easier vegetables to grow though, as it requires
a fair amount of attention and space. 


  You should have   Alkaline or neutral soil 
this is  needed for growing celery. 
Mix lime in your garden bed
this will reduce the soil's acidity. 
For best growing results use
compost or manure well rotten.

                                 GROWING CLIMATES
        Celery grows best in mild or cool weather,
it does not grow well in cold weather.
Celery tolerates light shade ,wet weather
and Light frost only, damaged by hard freezes.

  Plant your celery seeds into garden bed
 temperatures are consistently over 55 degrees (F).
(the seed won't germinate well below this temperature). 
Sow your celery seeds  very shallow (about  1/10” deep)
cover with light soil, it is very importanten to keep the soil moist whlie
its  in 3 weeks of germination. Keep the roots moist by
mounding soil around the young plants.
For an earlyer start plant the celery seeds 12 weeks berfore planting outside.

     When you are growing your celery keep the soil moist not wet.
During the dry days water daily, Lack of water causes celery to
grow slowly and makes the stalks stringy.  

     Celery is a shallow root plant which means
it can not dig its roots deeper for more nuritions.
Fertilize every three weeks  with liquid fertilizer
after the celery seedlings are well and established.

For faster germination, try soaking the
celery seed in room-tempeture water for 1-2 days. Plant at once. 

Step 11: Beans,watering,feeding,planting,growing Climates,soil


Beans (and their plants) come in a variety of shapes, sizes
and colors. The pods (or its contents) are what are commonly
eaten as a garden vegetable. However, the leaflets (which are
nutritious when used in salads) and the flowers are also edible.
The pods and seeds come in a wide selection of colors, and can
be “stringed” or “stringless.”  The first choice in selecting the
bean plants for your garden, will be whether you want a climbing
variety or a dwarf variety. Climbing beans need structure
(like a tall trellis, fence, stake, or even cornstalks!) and produce
high yields of pods. Dwarf varieties use less gardening space ,
don't require as much support, but they don't produce as much.
Some bean varieties are suitable for container gardening (check with your nursery).

                                           GROWING CLIMATES
                    Beans grow best in warm & hot weather
best to put them in a full sun spot, but the do not tolerate frost.

 When you are growing beans make sure your soil is
well drained and fertilize. Dig deeply adding well rotten
 organic compost or manure to your soil.

      Plant after the threat of frost is over.
Plant when it starts warming up about late spring
beans are easy and fast growers so it is best to sow the seeds
drectily in your  garden bed  there are diffent varieties of beans.
Plant climbing beans 6 inches apart  and 1 inch deep in rows plant 3 feet apart.
Dwarf beans plant 1 inch deep and space 2 inches apart in rows 24 inches apart.
If planting dwarf beans, you may want to stagger plant your crop over several weeks to extend your harvest period.

 Keep soil moist. if you have sandy soil keep an eye on it.
Beans have a shallow root system so they can dry out easily.

Add liquid fertilizer when  flowering  commences.

1: Mulch around established bean plants with compost to protect shallow root system

2: Hill rows with soil during early growth to protect against wind. 

3:When weeding take care not to disturb the soil or roots just beneath the surface. 

4: Beans will not grow well until the soil is warm.

5: If you have a problem with  aphids, red spider mites, and bean flies.  Also plant diseases such as blight mosaic and anthracnose way present themselves.  Use organic bug and disease spray don't forget to spray the underside of the leaves.

6: Important: Don’t leave dead plant material lying around your garden. That encourages plant diseases and insects.  



Step 12: Potatoes,watering,feeding,planting,growing Climates,soil

This South American vegetable is grown in home gardens
for its starchy tubers (roots).  Rumor has it that many years ago,
Europeans were very suspicious about, even feared potatoes.
Potato's popularity thrived from its ability to grow both at high
altitudes and in colder temperatures (places where corn,
another common starch staple, couldn't). You can grow
potatoes of a vaiety of colors: cream, red, purple, and even blue.  
Potatoes are also considered a cleaning crop. By growing
potatoes in a new garden space will help prepare the soil for
other plants in other seasons.While the yield is small, some
gardeners with very large containers are successful in growing potatoes in the pots. 

 Well-drained soil is best for potatoes.
Also its best to have crumbly soil and deeply dug
 compost or well rotten manure this does matter alot
when growing potatoes.The more lose garden soil you
have the more Bigger potatoes you will have.

              GROWING CLIMATES
Potatoes can take nearly any climate but watch the timing.
They don't tolerate frost and do not
care for extreme heat. Select a nice sunny spot for your potatoes.

 You can plant potatoes as soon as the soil can be worked.
Plant after the last frost date plant the seeds 2 ft apart in rows
and dig the rows 6" deep then lay a layer of fertilizer or compost, manure on the bottom.
Then cover the fertilizer with 2" of soil from your garden, Then plant the seeds 14 inches apart
and fill the rest  with garden soil and rake it out evenly. Another method
of growing potatoes is to simply cover the seed pieces with 10” of
decomposing straw or mulch, then 4” of rich crumbly soil.  

Water potatoes regularly over the garden season
to have  smoother and bigger tubers. Cut back on
watering when harvest time approches

Fertilize with liquid fertilizer every two weeks.
( This allows you to have healther potatoes and awareds off diseases such as bilght.....)

1: When weeding the potatoes be careful not to
disturb the potatoes root system when you are pulling weeds.
It would be best to heavily put mulch or straw around it.

2: Potato moth is a common pest when you are growing potatoes
and it will attack any potatoe tuber that comes out of the soil.
put more soil on it to cover the tuber.

3: don't compost or recycle infected plants.
Remove them imediately from your garden and burn them.

4: Be gentle when harvesting. It is easy to bruise potatoes or damage the skin (causes them to rot in storage).

Step 13: Radishes,watering,feeding,planting,growing Climates,soil

Radishes grow in a variety of shapes and lengths,
depending upon the variety you select. It is best to grow this
vegetable in cool gardening periods as radishes tend to go to
seed quickly in hot weather. Also, growing radish plants during
the hot summer months makes them very hot in flavor
(while too hot to enjoy as a snack, they can be substituted for
 horseradish at that point in use.).NOTE: Growing radish plants
makes for a great gardening project for kids, as it's easy to grow,
relatively problem free, and has a short growing cycle!

                                         GROWING CLIMATES
Radishes can be grown in nealy any climate.
Radishes need 6 hours of sun light and they do not tolerate frost.

Add lots of compost or well-rotten manure to your garden soil.
Well drained soil is best for radishes friable (loose and crumbly)
garden soil. This allows the roots to grow quickly, providing the best texture and flavor.
Rake well to break up clumps of soil.

Plant in well lose soil. Plant  your seeds very shallow in the soil
1/4 deep and 1/2 apart, in rows 6 inches between. Seedling
should emerge in 2 weeks Once you see a second set of leaves,
thin the plants to 2” apart, so they have plenty of room to grow (they don't like to be crowded!)

Keep soil moist and wet during the growing seasons.
if you have  dry (or hot) spells, be sure to keep your radishes
well watered, and shaded if possible.

Radishes perform best in a garden bed that
was previously fertilized for another crop. If that's not available,
dig in a complete fertilizer and/or compost as far in advance as possible.
Once after 5 weeks  give dose of liquid fertilizer (under the leaves) every week.


Step 14: Tomatoes,watering,feeding,planting,growing Climates,soil

Be prepared with 6’ posts, cages, or trellises and the
means to secure the vines to them.  (Drive the posts, etc.
into the ground such that they’re sturdy to the touch and a
good wind won’t blow them over.)  To secure your vines to
the supports, use soft cotton cloth strips (from an old bed sheet, etc.). 
Tie the vines gently and not so tightly as to hinder
future growth or damage the plant.  Secure the vines at 1 foot intervals.

       Prepare your garden soil one month before planting.
Dig deep in compost or manure to your soil.

                     GROWING CLIMATES
Tomatoes can be grown in nealy any climate
but they grow best in warm weather and do not tolerate frost.

Plant your tomatoe seeds in seed starter trays  indoors  
plant your seeds1/4 inches deep in your starter soil,
Seeds should  emerge  in two weeks.
When your tomatoe seedling are 4 inch tall transplant
to a bigger cup and have a growing light about 5 to 6 inch from
the plant. When it grows its 10 inches tall transplant to garden bed,
plant  2 feet between rows.

During the growing days do not let the soil dry out.
Keep the soil moist not soggy during hot spells water every day.

Apply fertilizer (watered into the soil around the plants) after you see the first fruits froming.

  1:  Harden the plants for two weeks before planting into the garden soil.

2:Plant your tomato plants deeply - the first set of leaves should be near ground level. The tomato plant will use the planted stem to sprout additional roots, giving the plant a stronger root support system.

3:Uneven watering can cause blossom-end rot.  Do not water with sprinklers or from above.  Instead, use irrigation hoses or dig troughs among the plants for irrigation.
4:Drive in your supports (stakes, posts, cage, etc.) shortly after planting your seedlings.  If you wait until later when they need the support, you may damage the root structure in the process.

Step 15: Peppers,watering,feeding,planting,growing Climates,soil

Peppers come in many different varieties: bell
(green, red, yellow, purple), banana (used mostly for salads and pickling),
cayenne, and jalapeno peppers, just to name a few. In hot climates,
peppers are perennials. In all other climates,
they grow as annuals. Peppers are a warm weather crop,
and have little tolerance for cold.Peppers such as bells
and bananas are known as sweet peppers. They're often
used as a fresh snack on a vegetable tray, in salads, pickled,
stuffed, on kabobs, or as an ingredient in a cooked dish. Bell
peppers are commonly eaten when green, but if left to ripen on the vine,
they will turn red, yellow, orange, etc. (depending upon the variety)
.Peppers with some "heat" are commonly referred to as chile peppers
or chiles. These peppers are often used to add zest to pickles, guacamole,
pasta dishes, stir fries, and anything in between.Note: This plant has no
relation whatsoever to the plant that produces peppercorns for your
common table condiment (also called "pepper").

                                          GROWING CLIMATES
Peppers need a lot of sun light when growing about 9 hours of sun light.
Peppers do not care for cold  weather  and does not tolerate frost.

Add compost or well rotten manure to your soil,
dig the manure deeply in to the soil so that your soil is
crumbly and drains well.

Pepper seeds take 3 weeks to germinate.
Its best to start planting your pepper seeds indoors,
plant outside when the weather at above 60 degrees.
Plant your pepper seeds 18" apart in your garden,
and plant seeds 1/4 deep into the soil.

Keep the plants evenly watered so that the
soil is evenly moist (but not soggy). This helps prevent flower drop.

Prepare your gaden soil adding  manure or
compost 3 weeks before planting.Once the
plants are in bloom, you can fertilize if desired.

1: When the plant starts to bear fruit, I lightly tie the central stalk to the stake for support.

2: If you wait until the pepper plant needs the support to insert your stake in the ground nearby, you will cause  damage to the growing pepper plant's tender root system. Instead, insert the stake when transplanting, before the plant's root system has formed.

3:DO NOT transplant your seedlings outside until the weather is warm and settled.

4:You may wish to pinch off shoots, to encourage a bushier and more compact plant.

Step 16: Pumpkins,watering,feeding,planting,growing Climates,soil

While technically a fruit, pumpkin is a winter squash that's
called a vegetable. Depending upon the variety and gardening conditions,
each plant can produce anywhere from 3 to 12 pumpkins per vine,
ranging in size from 1 lb to hundreds of pounds each. When growing
pumpkins, the larger the fruit size, the longer it takes to reach maturity.
In addition to needing a long growing season, growing pumpkins requires
significant garden space. (Vines can sprawl to 20+ feet long.) You can
save space by growing pumpkins with corn.  Don't plant near potatoes.

Well drained soil is good for growing pumpkins.
Mix  well-rotten manure or compost in your garden soil
3 weeks before planting.

                           GROWING CLIMATES
Pumpkins grow best in warm weather but do not tolerate
frost or cold weather. For best results in growing pumpkins,
pick a sunny garden location.

To get in early start in the cold cilmates  start on growing pumpkins
by planting the seeds indoors 4-5 weeks early.  Plant the seeds
in pot with seed-starting mix, 1” deep. Keep lightly moist and warm. 

After the last frost plant the pumpkin seeds directly in your garden
mound up hills 2 feet wide and 1 foot wide,  plant 1 inch deep in your mounds.
When the first true leaves appear, thin each  "hill" to 2 or 3 plants by cutting off the
plants to be discarded at ground level

Water frequently during the dry days.
During hot days the pumkin leaves may wilt
so keep the soil moist.

When you see the first fruit forming, apply liquid fertilizer
Then repeat the application every few weeks.

1: Too much fertilizer makes an abudnance of leaves, but few pumpkins.

2: When watering, keep the water off the leaves and vines to help prevent plant diseases. 

For easy handling and better long-term storage, leave 1-2 inches of stem attached.

4: If you're growing giant pumpkins, allow at least 60 feet (or more) for the vines to wander. Your giant pumpkins will reach their maximum size if you pinch off all other fruit on that same vine.

5: Allow at least 6 feet between hills (or as recommended on the seed packet for the variety you selected). 

Short on space? Grow a bush variety.

Step 17: Eggplant,watering,feeding,planting,growing Climates,soil

Eggplants are a member of the nightshade family
(as are tomato plants).  They grow on small bushes
that can reach up to 5 feet tall.  The fruit can be long or short,
round or egg shaped, dark purple to red to black to creamy white. 
When growing eggplant, prepare the soil as you would for tomato
plants.Note: 6 plants should grow enough eggplant for an average family to enjoy.

                     GROWING CLIMATES
Eggplant is a warm weather plant and it does
not tolerate frost or cold weather and cool
nights can slow the eggplants growth.
They need full sun and protection from the wind.

Add well-rotten manure or compost to your soil.
If you're in an area that experiences frosts, mulch
heavily around the roots and cover with cloths at night. 

For growing eggplant the temperature
must be 68+ degrees for the seeds to germinate.
Extend the season by starting the seeds indoors
8 weeks ahead of transplanting in the garden
(especially if you have a short growing season.)

Try not to over water your plants. keep the soil moist
not soggey,  on hot spells water every day.

A few days before planting, dig a dose of
complete fertilizer into your garden soil. 
When growing eggplant, apply a dose of
fertilizer when you start to see fruit forming.

1: When growing eggplant, apply a dose of fertilizer when you start to see fruit forming.

2: Remember, cold soil shocks the seeds and plants, and it also prevents them from growing as quickly. 

3: Keep the garden bed weed-free. However, weed carefully so not to disturb eggplant's shallow root system.

4: When growing eggplant, it can take up to 4 months to bear fruit. So, if you're thinking about growing eggplant, be sure to plant early enough for a harvest before fall's first frost arrives.

Step 18: Gardening Tips, Pest Centrol....



                                           Pest centrol
Now I know that bugs are a big pest one of the easyest way to get rid of them
is to use organic bug spray or to make your own  take bugs off your
plants and blend them up and make bug juice then put the juice
in a spray bottle  and spray it on the plants they should not come back.
What is another good way to get rid of them is to get praymanties eggs
and put them around your garden or aphids to get rid of them is bring
lady bugs into your garden or pluck off the leaves and burn them.
Later in the growing season you can put a bird feeder in your garden
and that might bring birds to your garden so they will eat the bugs.

                    Disease control
The best way to control  plant diseases is if
your plant is infected remove your plant and burn it
but never put it in your compost bin.
To help prevent disease is to rotat your your crops every year.

                     Gardening tips
Weeding to help lower the rate of weeds in your garden
is to take grass cuttings  or mulch and put it around
your plants personaly I  think  grass cuttings are better.

                  12 Worst Vegetable Pest
the squash bug, colorado potatoe beetle,aphids,
flea beetle,cabbage looper, cucumber beetle,eurpean corn borer,
 cut worms,squash vine borer, asparaqus beetles, bean leaf beetle,

                      Thank you
I would like to thank all the people who let
me use there pictures. thank you every much
I wouldn't have been able to do this instructable with out them!
         Also I would like to thank you for reading my instructable!