Introduction: How to Make Boba Fett's Jetpack That Actually Shoots

About: I have YouTube channel showcasing my 3D Printing, CNC, & DIY Projects!

After watching The Mandalorian and The Book Of Boba Fett I decided that I wanted to make Boba Fett's Jetpack that actually shoots a missile.


Step 1: Basic Prototype

For the compressed air cannon in this video I made a PVC air tank that is released by a sprinkler valve.

Step 2: Main Enclosure

After figuring how the main air tank will be created I ended up building a pvc enclosure for the air tank.

Step 3: Finishing & Painting

At this point I finished the Jetpack and painted. If you want an in depth explanation of how I built everything I highly suggest watching the video. Feel free to ask any questions!