Introduction: How to Make Butter Slime
You will need:
*white PVA glue
*1tbsp of borax
*1cup of hot water
*daiso Japanese soft clay or regular soft clay
*spatula or spoon
*shaving foam
*white PVA glue
*1tbsp of borax
*1cup of hot water
*daiso Japanese soft clay or regular soft clay
*spatula or spoon
*shaving foam
Step 1: Glue
Pour glue in a mixing bowl.
Step 2: Lotion
Add about 6 pumps of lotion into your glue and stir.
Step 3: Shaving Foam
Add shaving foam to the lotion and glue mixture and stir.
Step 4: Borax and Water
Get a different mixing bowl and mix the borax and water together.Mix until the borax is fully dissolved.
Step 5: Borax,water and Glue Mixture
Add the borax and water mixture to the glue lotion and shaving foam mixture and stir. Make sure that you don't put to much of the borax mixture and not too less. It should be a little sticky but not to much.
Step 6: Daiso Japanese Soft Clay or Soft Clay
Add the daiso Japanese soft clay with the slime until it becomes a clay texture and stretchy like slime.
Step 7: Color and Extra Ingredients
(Optional) If you want color on your butter slime you can add acrylic paint or food coloring and knead with your hands or spatula.If you think your slime is too sticky you can add more of the borax and water mixture and knead :) .