Introduction: How to Make Creamy Mac N Cheese

This is a quick easy recipe and tasks very good.

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

Gather all of your ingredients.

Step 2: Get a Pot With Water and Start to Boil It on the Stove With Pasta and Add Salt

Get a pot with water and start to boil it on the stove. Add a generously amount of salt to the water.

Step 3: Work on Sauce

Get another pot and start working on the sauce for the pasta.

Step 4: Melt the Butter and Add the Flour

Get the other pot and melt the butter. Add the flour and stir them both over medium heat until the mixture is slightly brown.

Step 5: Add Milk and Seasoning

Add the milk and heavy cream to the flour and butter and whisk to remove any lumps.

Step 6: Add the Paprika, Salt and Pepper (as Much As You Would Like) and Whisk Them All Together

Step 7: Cook the Sauce Over Medium-high Heat Until the Sauce Thickens and Starts to Bubble (about 6 Minutes)

Step 8: Stir in the Cheese and Whisk Together Until Smooth and Melted (then Turn Off Heat)

Step 9: When the Pasta Is Done Cooking, Drain It and Add It to the Sauce. Stir the Pasta Into the Sauce Until Fully Covered

Step 10: Pour Pasta in a Bowl and Enjoy