Introduction: How to Make Fake Gum!

About: I love crafts, technology and anything to do with inventing!
This is a fun and easy prank which you can play on your friends! All you need are some basic household supplies.

Step 1: Supplies

For this instructable all you need is flour, water, salt and your friend's favorite gum wrapper.

Step 2: Making the Dough

Mix salt, flour and water in a bowl until you get a thick dough.

Step 3: Shaping the Gum

Cut and shape the dough until you have made it exactly like the real piece of gum. I added specks of red since that's what my friend's gum looks like. You can add food coloring to improve the look of your gum.

Step 4: Wrapping

Wrap up your piece(s) of gum in the original wrapper. Add any final details to your piece.

Step 5: Placing the Piece

For optimal effect only place one of the phony pieces in the pack then when your friend is least expecting it, BAM!
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