Introduction: How to Make Harry Potter Wands With Weird Things #HMS2018

I am going to be making Harry Potter wand with weird things that are used for other things. Yes though I will be using a glue gun.

Step 1: Gather Materials

You will need to gather your things.

1. Chopsticks

2. Glue gun with glue

3. Instead of black or brown paint I used mascara

4. Instead of gloss just use highlighter (makeup)

5. A brush

Step 2: Designing

Fire up your glue gun and start by making a design on the tip. Then let it dry.

Step 3: Paint

I am going to start painting the wand. You can color it any color I am using black. And as I said I am using mascara but you can use any painting way you like.

Step 4: Add the Higlighter

Then after the wand dries add the highlighter to make it shiny. The highlighter makes the wand look cool and made it pop out a bit.

Step 5: Have Fun With Your New Wand

These are my finished wands. I only made a couple but the wands looked really real and nice. This was a very simple process. And it does a lot of time to make.