Introduction: How to Make: Invert

(Please excuse anything that might not be too clear. This is my first Instructable.) Invert is a simple yet challenging K'nex roller coaster. I was looking at some other coasters to give me ideas and I noticed that people don't really like micro coasters. The problem was, I don't have many coaster pieces to work with, so I made Invert for the people who don't have too many pieces either. All you need for Invert is the Screamin' Serpent set and a few extra pieces to spare. If you have those, come on in! And please, GET BUILDING!!! =D

Step 1: The Base

The 1st photo is showing you the overall base so you know how it should look when you are done. The 2nd picture is showing the connectors facing the lift. The 3rd picture is showing the position of the cross-ties at the end of the coaster. (The green cross-ties are on blue rods.)

Step 2: Lift Frame

Build this with the rods in between.

Step 3: The Lift

The Lift was a bit complicated for me to build and I had to change some of the previous steps so this step might be a little longer because I have to explain it.

The 1st picture in this step is showing the white piece which was never there before so please take off the normal connector in the previous step and replace it with that. The motor is on a red rod, just experiment on how the gears are placed. The 2nd picture is just the overall look of the lift, (zoom up on the picture to see if there are any differences.) The 3rd photo is the bottom of the lift and same with the 4th (just the other side). The rod is not connected, but it's behind the supporter rod. The 5th and 6th photos are the pieces that you'll need to hold the track frame in place. The 7th picture is how the other side of the motor is placed.

Whew! Finally this step is done. Lol

Step 4: The Track Frame

Build this exactly as shown. P.S the 2nd to last picture is very important.

Step 5: The Cross-tie Frame

This step was pretty hard but I figured it out. The corkscrew was the hardest to make because I did not want the track to put too much stress on the cross-ties. On the lift, you need to put that piece of tube track in the middle so the chain does not get stuck.

Step 6: Adding the Tube Track

I'm sure you know how to add the tubing.

Step 7: Finishing Up

The chain should be behind the rod that is holding the track. You might need to use your own creativity to fix the coaster if the turns are too sharp or if the track is too wide. I want you to know, I tried my very best to give you guys the best details I could. Please like this coaster and I'll be trying to engineer some more rides for you to make! =D