Introduction: How to Make Origami Cranes

How to fold your own origami crane.


a perfect square paper

two hands

Step 1: Fold the Piece of Origami Paper Into a Triangle. Do This Twice So You Have a Square.

Step 2: Fold the Paper in Half Horizontally. Do Twice So Now You Have a Snowflake Pattern of Creases.

Step 3: Bring the Top Point Down to the Bottom, While Also Folding the Left and Right Corners Down Into the Center.

Step 4: Starting With Your Square Base, Make Sure the Open End Is at the Bottom. Fold the Right Lower Edge to the Central Crease. Do This on Both Sides.

Step 5: Open This Fold Then Push the Left and Right Edges Inwards. —you Can See the Wing Is Fully "squashed" Into Place. Do This on Both Sides.

Step 6: Fold the Lower Right Edge to the Central Crease. Do This on Both Sides

Step 7: Fold the Lower Right Flap Up, Under, and Out to the Right.

Step 8: Do the Same With the Left Side (the Tail).

Step 9: Create a Head by Flattening the Flap, and Inside Reverse Folding a Little Section Down at the Top.

Step 10: Create a Head by Flattening the Flap, and Inside Reverse Folding a Little Section Down at the Top.