Introduction: How to Make Paper Plane Launcher

The paper airplane launcher from WowFold is an innovative and fun device that allows you to launch paper airplanes up to 20 feet away with ease. This launcher is made from durable and high-quality materials and can be easily assembled and used by both kids and adults. With its adjustable launch angle and power, you can customize the flight trajectory of your paper planes and experiment with different designs to achieve the longest possible distance. Whether you're looking to entertain yourself, your family, or your friends, this paper airplane launcher is a great way to add some excitement and creativity to your leisure time.


  1. A4 size paper
  2. 1 rubber band

Step 1:

before you start with the steps you can see this video for clarification

Step 2:

fold the paper in half

Step 3:

fold up towards the center fold

Step 4:

fold down to the fold that was created

Step 5:

turn around and fold up towards the center fold

Step 6:

fold down to the fold that was created

Step 7:

make a diagonal cut at the bottom as shown

Step 8:

insert a rubber band to the cut and stretch to the back out tape on the front edges to a void tear in the paper

Step 9:

the end result will be like that enjoy