Introduction: How to Make Valentine's Day Cards in Just Few Steps

About: Hey Guys I am Rohit Raj. Having website and YouTube channel - Art of Rohit
Hey Guys
Today we will learn to make valentine's day cards with the help of Tools and chart papers. So before we start let's know the drawing tools we need for to make cards

Things we need

1.Chart paper of black and red colour

Step 1: First Step

First of all we cut chart by taking length-15cm and breadth 40cm. Then we fold it add make it foldable greeting cards according to image

Step 2: Second Step

In this second step friends we cut stripes from black chart paper and stick at the just below the border of card according to the reference image

Step 3: Second Step

Now friend's we will stick heart at the centre part of Greeting card. So here first I cut big heart shape of colour black and then we cut red colour shape heart but it should be in smaller shape than black heart

Step 4: Fourth Step

Now friends at last we cut stripes of black colour for to stick in our greetings card. So here I stick black stripes from one corner to all the corner of card by maintaing some gaps.

So now our Greeting card is complete in just four step. I hope you will like it don't forget also visit my site for more lovely cards tutorial.-

Thank you