Introduction: How to Make a Classic Paper Airplane Tutorial

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How to Make a Classic Paper Airplane Tutorial shows how to make a classic paper airplane . make sure you take your time to make the best paper airplane

Step 1: What You Will Need

In order to make your paper airplane you will need a piece of paper that is 8.5 x11 inches. This is the standard size sheet of paper.

Step 2: Lengthwise Fold

Take the sheet of paper and fold it in half lengthwise. You will want to make sure to press all of the edges really hard to make sure each area of the paper is folded.

Step 3: Right Corner

Unfold the piece of paper and take the top right hand corner and fold it down to the center aligned with the center lengthwise fold you just made

Step 4: Left Corner

Unfold the piece of paper and take the top left hand corner and fold it down to the center aligned with the center lengthwise fold you just made

Step 5: Fold Again

Take the folded piece of paper and fold it in half.

Step 6: Carefully Fold Down

Carefully fold from the top of the paper down to the bottom. As you are doing this make sure that the front of the airplane doesn't bend and that the edgesa are neat.

Step 7: Carefully Fold Other Side

Carefully fold the other side while paying close attention to the front of the airplane making sure the edges don't bend.

Step 8: Fold the Left Again

Fold down the left side again keeping all of the edges together .

Step 9: Fold the Right Again

Fold down the right side again keeping all of the edges together .

Step 10: Fly

This picture is what your final results should look like. The last step is to fly your new paper airplane. Happy Paper Airplane Flying !!!