Introduction: How to Make a Coin Battery at Home
How to make a battery using coins at home.
We use vinegar, salt, cardboard and coins. It can power a led light with no problem. Euro coin and UK Nickel coins pence try but it worked better with pesetas (Spanish coins).
Homemade battery energy
Step 1: Pour Vinegar in a Pot
You should pour regular vinegar in a pot
Step 2: Add Salt to the Pot
Add salt to the pot and stir it well
Step 3: Drop the Coin in the Pot
Drop the coin in the pot with the vinegar and salt
Step 4: Cut Cardboard in a Coin Shape
Cut a cardboard in a coin shape for each pair of coins less 1
Step 5: Put the Cardboard on the Pot With Vinegar
Put the cardboard on the pot with vinegar
Step 6: One Nickle, One Copper, Cardboard
Set the coin in this order: One nickle, one copper, cardboard
Step 7: Make Several Cells and Test Them
Make several cells and test them and try to light a LED light