Introduction: How to Make a Found Art Sculpture
You may think making a found art sculpture would be easy, but there is a lot of thinking and trial and error put in to it. It is not just glueing a bunch of random parts together, they have to fit in ways of appearance, yet be weird and different at the same time. I hope you like my first instructable.
Step 1:
The first step is to gather materials, now this is one of the easiest parts. I went through boxes of junk, clocks, and scavenged in my garage for different items.
Step 2:
These are the most important parts of making a found art sculpture. A base, a wooden stand that will be put on the base and hot glue the others are optional.
Step 3:
Now you need to glue the stand onto your base, TIP: I suggest using plastics and woods for the base and stand because metal doesn't like hot glue very much(aka it won't stick)
Step 4:
Start glueing on the basics of the frame for the sculpture, i used an old flashlight spring. From this you will start to add material glue can stick to, I used a piece of felt and it worked great.
Step 5:
I added a piece of felt and stuck on some random parts, remember that some of the parts put on first might not be seen later on.
Step 6: Finished Product
Make sure any wobbly parts are glued down and there are no huge glue spots. I use a silver leaf pen to put on the glue spots so it looks like solider. I hope you like my first instructable. Tell me what you think!