Introduction: How to Make a Homemade Tuba
This is a tuba that is very easy to make AT HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a science project where I had to make an instrument out of recycled materials.
Step 1: Get Items
- Gallon size container
- Hose (preferably an old used one)
- 2-3 plastic cups
- Craft knife
- Scissors
- Hot glue
- 3D printer (optional to make mouthpiece)
- Funnel (optional to make mouthpiece)
Step 2: Cut Matireals
1) Cut hose to about 8 inches long
2) Cut your two or three cups in half you will be using the bottom half
3) Cut about 2 inches off the bottom of gallon size container
Step 3: Glueing the Matireals
Glue all parts together as shown in picture using a hot glue gun.
Step 4: Adding Notes Notes to the Tuba
Add holes in the hose using an craft knife or a drill, be sure to mark where you want your holes. A tip is to make the holes more spread out than I did.
Step 5: Adding Mouthpiece
Make a mouthpiece using a 3D printer, funnel or another cup