Introduction: How to Make a Loom Bracelet With the Board

About: I like rats

Today I will teach you how to make a loom bracelet using the loom board.


You need rubberbands, A loom board (only 1 on the strips), and a loom hook.

Step 1:

First grab one of the bars and make sure the "U"s are facing up.

Step 2:

Next put bands on the strip starting from the top, and overlap with one peg

Step 3:

starting from the bottom (skipping the first one), put your hook in the hole in the peg.

Step 4:

pull the bottom band up. (keep it on your hook!)

Step 5:

Pull the band on your hook to the peg above it.

Step 6:

do that with the rest of the pegs

Step 7:

Pull the bracelet off starting from the top with your hook.

Step 8:

Finally, attach and s clip and you're done!

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