Introduction: How to Make a Portable Slim Tool Case
This project is to make a cheap portable tool case with easy access to tools when setting up a work space on the go. The tool case itself has the dimensions of 36" long, 11" high, and 6" wide that is made by modifying a science fair poster board.
Bill of Materials:
Science Fair Poster Board (the large one 36"x48")
Duct Tape
Box Cutter (or other sharp tool)
Straight Edge Ruler
Pen or Pencil
Step 1: Making the Carrying Case
A few important steps to remember when making the carrying case is to not cut all the way through the board. Just deep enough to make a clean bend in the panel. There are a total of four cuts to the board (two on the side brown panels and two in the middle white panel).
1. Lay the trifold closed on the ground with brown side panels facing up.
2. Mark the trifold 2" from the edge next to the panel fold.
3. Draw a line parallel from the fold.
4. Take a box cutter and cut half way through the panel along the 2" line parallel to the fold on both sides.
5. Repeat on other side.
6. Open the trifold and mark 11" from the manufactured fold.
7. Draw a parallel line to the fold.
8. Take a box cutter and cut half way through the panel along the 11" line parallel to the fold on both sides.
9. Repeat on the other side.
10. Fold in the opposite direction of the cut that was made.
Step 2: Reinforcing the Carrying Case
This is important because if the case is not reinforced it will fall apart quicker from normal daily wear and tear. When doing the outside edges of the board do not cover the cuts in the board. This will decrease the flexibility of the cuts in the board so follow the instructions carefully.
1. Cut duct tape is several strips of various length.
2. Do not cover the cuts with the duct tape when taping the edges.
3. Place duct tape on the edge of the board length wise and fold over.
4. Repeat this until all of the edges are covered.
5. First fold one panel until 90 degrees.
6. Tape along the bent panel.
7. Apply tape to other corners and uncovered edges to reinforce the case.
8. Apply tape to the bottom 2" section of poster board to reinforce.
Step 3: Making the Pockets
The pockets need to be made from duct tape or other durable material. The pockets need to have a snug fit in order to hold the tools. The tools should not be jiggling around in their pockets.
1. Cut paper twice the length of the needed pocket.
2. Fold paper in half width wise.
3. Apply duct tape to the sides and bottom of the pocket, but not the top.
4. Reinforce the top by wrapping the duct tape around the opening.
Step 4: Installing the Pockets
The pockets will be made from duct tape and paper. The tools that the case will be for are needed at this stage. The pockets should be taped down one at a time. The following pockets will tape over preceding pockets insuring a secure fit to the poster board.
1. Insert the tools with it the pockets.
2. Organize the pockets along the panel until placement is good.
3. Horizontal tools should be taped down last.
4. Tape down the pockets with the tools inside.
Step 5: Making the Duct Tape Strap
The strap should be a 5 feet long loop. The following method is one way to make the strap:
1. Cut 1 piece of 5' long tape.
2. Lay one piece sticky side up.
3. Fold one third of the tape along itself.
4. Repeat with the other edge.
5. Cut 1 piece of 6" tape.
6. Attach both ends of the 5' piece together with the 6" piece.
Step 6: Final Note on Customization of the Case
Once the case is completed, fill it with your tools and off to making you go!