Introduction: How to Make a Speaker

About: hi🤑🤑🤑

How to make a speaker out of household materials. This is still a work in progress and I will add more photos soon.


These are the materials I used

28 AWG Enameled Copper Wire

10x10 mm neodymium magnet

Cheap car amplifier, or Pam8406

Soldering iron and solder


Step 1:

Cut a circle out of paper with a compass. Fold paper into cone shape. Cut small strip of paper and tape around magnet. Hot glue magnet and paper to paper cone.

Step 2:

Wrap lots of wire around paper cylinder(around 15 times),and hot glue to paper, leaving 2-3 inches on each end. Melt off the enamel from both ends of the wire

Step 3:

I just connected the ends of the speaker coil to the wires of the amplifier, but you can also solder it to a pam8403 board if you want. With the car amplifier, you get bluetooth and a screen, but if you don't need that, an amplifier board works fine

Step 4:

Build an enclosure, get creative!!

For the Home Contest

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For the Home Contest