Introduction: How to Make a Unique Youtube Name

Hello, Do you want to know how to make a unique youtube name? well, I am gonna show you. So making a youtube name is sometimes hard because you can't think of something instantly. Please take your time on reading this and if you can't think of something or need help, put a comment down below, I can help you! Ok, ok, Let's go into it.

Step 1: Open Notepad or Something to Write

So Guys, I am using Windows 8.1 and i have Notepad. I am not sure if mac has one though. So First, Open Notepad And if you're done in opening notepad proceed to the next step! :)

Step 2: Writing Stuff You Like

So Write the stuff you like. that's basically it. and, you see that picture right? those are my ideas. you can copy what it says. if you don't know what I mean,Put in the first line "Things I Like:" And put what you like, then Last Line will be "Name Suggestions= 1.(Your Thing)". You can put many Name Suggestions as many as you want. So yeah, Let's go to the next step.

Step 3: Combining Your Name

So Now, You Have/Need To Combine Your Name For a Unique Youtube Name. Some youtube name might be funny though. So now, there! you have your awesome youtube name.Mine is at the top over there, Actually The Main One For me is TealStone. I Love That Name. And DiamondMagma is funny because of that awesome youtuber named MagmaMusen. Check Him/Her Out, On Youtube Type "MagmaMusen" And then you can find him/her. i like him/her's Minecraft Creations,Which is cool. And MemeMinion, Is kinda Boring For my style though. CupMeme, Weird Combination. So Guys, You're Done!!! You have made your own Youtube Name! And check out my youtube channels, GirlexGaming and TealStone. I will provide link in my next instructable, i promise!

Note:(Some People Might think i found this from someone, But I Was Bored And I thinked: Why not share my own idea to people? i want to. and don't say rude comments because im new here. :( sorry if i copied someone because i didn't know.How do I know Some people might think? because i have seen many people saying "your copying!" from youtube. and i am always looking at batch files and vbscript files... there. It's the truth. And by the way i search batch and vbscript stuff from here, too. This is random i found out how to make a unique youtube name, because I know sometimes people are struggling.)