Introduction: How to Make an Instructables Robot Skin in Minecraft
Hello Everyone! This is me again, and I am showing you guys how to make the "Instructables Robot" Skin in Minecraft. So guys, Making this might be harder if you're a beginner in making skins. If you had experience, it's better. So, Let's start this Instructable!
Step 1: Making the Front Face
First, Go to and then follow the picture 1 by 1. you will see the length, and the stuff provided here. Mostly this is a picture step-by-step tutorial, so yeah,stick with it. I'm sorry if it's not with words, because I find it hard to explain. So just follow the pictures. and then you're ready for the next step!
Step 2: The Side of the Face
Step 3: Adding the Back and Top Face
Please Follow More Pictures. Oh and it's easy, tell me what you need to tell in comments.
Step 4: Making the Torso
If you follow the picture, it's easier. So you have to put 2 yellows, then 3 brown dark yellows,then 1 block long yellow,and a black line...
Step 5: Making the Arms and the Legs
Follow The Picture.
Step 6: Just Download It and You're Done!
Ok Guys, We will download it. But how to download it? check that picture. So yeah, thank you for reading this! If you want more, tell me in the comments! happy to help guys. So yeah,that's it. BYE!!!!!!
(if you want to request a tutorial email