Introduction: How to Make an Eris Cosplay

About: Hey, my name's Aster!I'm a cosplayer, love anime, and don't have time for bullies

Are you interested in Greek mythology? Did you watch Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas? Ever want to cosplay Eris, but you never knew how?This instructable will tell you how to do it!


Black wig (i didn't use this since my hair is naturally black)

Purple fabric


Needle and thread

Step 1: Put on Your Wig

If you're a cosplayer, you'll know how to put a wig on. If not, I'll be posting an instructable on how to put a wig on.

Step 2: Make Her Dress

Take 2 large pieces of your purple fabric, and have a family member trace your figure on both pieces, with a few inches on the edges for seam allowance. Sew the 2 pieces together inside out and flip them right-side out once you've finished sewing the edges.

Step 3: Put on the Dress

Now the fun part! Put on your dress, and make sure it fits. If it doesn't quite fit, cut some of the thread, and resew the seams loosely so it fits better. How are you going to get in cosplay if you can't get your costume on?

Step 4: You're Done!! :)

You're done! Enjoy your new cosplay and watch your friends marvel at your costume! ^w^