Introduction: How to Play a Thousand Years on Piano Easy

About: It’s never too late to learn piano... I didn’t know anything about piano or music and I learned with different websites. I share my little experience on my website: You can find…

A Thousand Years - Christina Perri - Easy Piano Tutorial for Beginners.

Learn how to play your first song on piano: Beginners can learn this song in a couple of days. You will play with both hands but the left hand is easy because the hand position stays almost the same.

I started learning piano a few months ago. Before I could play a piano song, I looked for easy songs to play on piano. Most of them are too difficult for beginners, and when they are not, they sound like "kids songs".

It's why I share my own tutorials of easy piano songs I practiced. I think it can help beginners because the tutorials are easy but they sound really good on piano.

It is the secret for a successful learning: staying motivated because you can play easy piano songs quickly.

You can find more details and piano tutorials on my website:

Step 1: Intro

Find the Middle C. If you don't know what it is or you are not familiar with piano notes, go to my instructables How to Play Piano and Easy Piano Songs for Beginners.

The A# note at the beginning of the song (left hand) is the first black key below Middle C.

Place your left-hand fingers this way:

1:A# - 2:A - 3:G - 4:F - 5:D#

Place your right-hand fingers this way:

1:F - 2:A - 3:A# - 4:C - 5:D

1:G - 3:A# - 5:D#

1:F - 2:A - 3:A# - 4:C - 5:D

A Thousand Years - Piano Tutorial - Intro

Step 2: Verse

Place your left-hand fingers this way:

1:A# - 2:A - 3:G - 4:F - 5:D# or D

Place your right-hand fingers this way:

3:A# - 4:C- 5:D

3:D - 4:D# - 5:F

1:G - 3:A#

2:C - 3:D - 4:D# - 5:F


3:A# - 4:C- 5:D

3:D - 4:D# - 5:F

1:G - 3:A#

2:C - 3:D - 4:D# - 5:F


1:G - 3:A#

1:A# - 5:G

1:C - 5:A

1:D - 5:A#

1:C - 5:A

A Thousand Years - Piano Tutorial - Verse

Step 3: Chorus

Place your left-hand fingers this way:

1:A# - 2:A - 3:G - 4:F - 5:D#

Place your right-hand fingers this way:

1:A# - 3:D - 5:F

1:A# - 2:C - 4:F - 5:G

1:A# - 3:D - 5:F

1:A# - 2:C - 4:F - 5:G

1:G - 4:D#

1:G - 2:A# - 3:C - 4:D - 5:D#


1:A# - 5:A#

1:C - 5:A

1:A# - 2:C - 3:D - 5:F

A Thousand Years - Piano Tutorial - Chorus

You can find more details and piano tutorials on my website: