Introduction: How to Sculpt a Clay Face

About: I'm 13 years old, and love to play games. I like going camping, and playing with my brothers. I got into instrucatables because I found a Roleplaying game challenge, and love to play dungeons and dragons. I al…

Make a silly clay sculpture!


Sculpting tools, clay

Step 1:

Roll a sphere out of clay.

Step 2:

Now, roll two tiny spheres and carve out eye sockets.

Step 3:

Add the tiny spheres to the sockets to make the eyes.

Step 4:

Then you can carve out the mouth and poke in tiny pupils.

Step 5:

Now make the nose by rolling a tiny triangle and poking nostrils in.

Step 6:

Add the nose to the head and blend it in, and now your finished!

Sculpt & Carve Challenge

Participated in the
Sculpt & Carve Challenge