Introduction: How to Pull Out Laundry From a Washing Machine

Pulling out laundry from a washing machine can be done in many ways, but 2 are most popular:

  • Put a bucket and pull out laundry into it
  • Try to hold as much laundry as possible directly with your arms (and sometimes body)

Both techniques have disadvantages:

Bucket option:

  • You need to buy a bucket
  • It occupies some space
  • It adds small extra weight to transported laundry
  • You always need to go back to Your washing machine with an empty bucket

No-bucket option:

  • It's almost impossible to transport all of Your laundry in one go
  • Small clothes fall on the floor on a way between a washing machine and drying rack.

In this Instructable I want to present an improvement version of "no-bucket" option.

Step 1: Make a Support Surface

First we need to choose a support sheet which will be used for the pullout later. The best option is to use some textile thing which was just washed by washing machine - a T-shirt or a towel. It needs to be big enough to cover all our laundry in a washing machine. In this Instructable we will use a T-shirt.

Spread it and put it on top of the laundry which is still in a washing machine. Make sure it covers as much area as possible. You can leave some piece of a T-shirt to lay on a side.

Step 2: Hold the Support

Now we need to hold the supporting T-shirt. We do it with our arms crossed. Make sure Your hands are on top of a T-shirt, not aside of it.

Some advices:

  • You can hold a T-shirt with You hands.
  • You can push the T-shirt down so our laundry gets a little bit squashed.

Step 3: Make a Turn

Now we need to make a half turn by moving our arms together with a washing machine's inner drum. Obviously, our hands cannot rotate 360° so during this move You need to rotate Your hands accordingly but try to keep the T-shirt covering the laundry.

After that,
You should have Your hands under the supporting T-shirt and all our wet laundry laying on top of it.

Step 4: Pull Out the Laundry

Now it's time to finally pull out our wet laundry. You can squash it with Your arms and supporting T-shirt.

And You've done it!

Now You can take Your laundry to a drying rack or tumble dryer.

One additional feature of this technique: When You lay the whole thing on a drying rack, the supporting T-shirt prevents small clothes (like socks) to fall through the rack's wires. I find it really nice additional feature.

I hope this life hack helps You now pulling out your laundry more efficient.
