Introduction: How to Use Google Calendar Effectively and Correctly

Hi I am a Middle school student

Let's Learn How to Use Google Calendar Effectively and Correctly together!


You will need a:

  1. Google account to access Google Calendar
  2. And a few minutes of your time

Step 1:

First, open up Google Calendar and select the button "Create"

Step 2: Creating Events

Then click Event and create 3 events

Step 3: Non-negotiables

Then create some non-negotiable breaks so you can eat and so your mind takes a breather from working

Step 4: Make It Daily (Pt.1)

Then click on "edit event"

Step 5: Make It Daily (Pt.2)

Click on "Daily" to set it for the rest of the year

Step 6: Non-Negotiable's Everyday

Now you may repeat the same thing with the lunch and dinner events

Step 7: The Non-negotiable's Finished Product

After following those steps it should look like this

Step 8: Adding When to Work and When to Break

Now we are going to add the times you should be working and the times you should be taking a mental breather

Step 9: When to Work and When to Break Everyday

Now copy what we did for lunch and dinner so that it runs on an endless loop

Step 10: The Why We Need Breaks

Without breaks, our minds will start to get burnt out, tired, and frustrated so to prevent that we will be adding some breaks

Step 11: Your Done!

And now you're done! You now have an organized Google calendar that you can edit easily to your needs and wants!

Making Time Contest

This is an entry in the
Making Time Contest