Introduction: How to Make a Creepy Looking Bug

About: Im a builder,carver,magician you name it and I've probably attempted it I love tech hence the name I also really love the outdoors.I camp play games and do really anything that I have time for.And I also loooo…

Ill be showing you in this ible' how to make a bug that looks kinda creepy for your garden.


   -water bottle
   -black and orange paint
   -aluminum steaks

Hope you enjoy!

Step 1: Painting

First start by panting your water bottle jet black with a hint of green if you like.Now take a pencil and dab the eracer in the orange paint and put two dots for the eyes.

Step 2: The Legs

take a small knife and put three holes in each side of the bottle about an inch apart after doing so take out your steaks.and follow the areas I marked to know where to bend the steaks.

Step 3: Putting It Together

Now stick the steaks that you bent in to the slots you cut out.and stick this ugly lil' creature in your garden and your done! 

Gardening Challenge

Participated in the
Gardening Challenge