Introduction: How to Make an Easy Home for You Feline Friend

A cat tent is a DIY (Do-It-Yourself) project that is easy to make and takes up under an hour. A tent is a portable shelter made of fabric and is supported by one or more poles stretched at its base. A cat tent differs from a human tent in the way it is designed for cats. A cat tent consists of items that can be found at home or can be easily acquired at the store. The parts are easily interchangeable and the t-shirt around the frame can be taken off when it needs to be washed.

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

For this project you will need:

1 T-shirt ( Size medium or bigger)

1 Piece of cardboard (Preferably cut to 15 inch by 15 inch)

2 Wire coat hangers

1 Masking tape

4-6 Safety pins

1 Pair of pliers

3 Layers of soft bedding (Cushion or blanket)

1 Cat

1 Cat nip (optional)

Lay the items you have gathered within your immediate vicinity (line of sight). This will help you keep track of your materials.

Step 2: Cut the Hangers

Use the pliers to cut the coat hangers at the hooks.

Caution: The cut ends of the hangers may be sharp. Handle with care.

Step 3: Construct the Supports

Bend the wires into curved shapes. These will serve as the two poles of the cat tent.

Step 4: Reinforce the Cardboard

Use the masking tape to strengthen the cardboard. Have the tape meet from corner to corner on the cardboard and smooth out the surface of the tape to prevent creases.

Step 5: Make One Hole in Each Corner of the Cardboard

Using the end of a coat hanger, gently poke a hole at each corner that goes all the way through the cardboard.

Caution: Be careful to not crumble the cardboard, and do not make the hole overly large.

Step 6: Assemble the Tent Frame

Place the coat hangers in perpendicular positions.

Note: Intersect the hangers as close to the center as possible. Ensure the ends the each hanger protrudes at least half an inch in each edge.

Step 7: Tape the Hangers Together

Use the masking tape to connect the intersecting wire hangers.

Step 8: Bend the Ends of the Hangers

Take the pliers and slowly bend the ends of each hanger without crumbling the cardboard.

Step 9: Tape the Ends to the Cardboard

Use the masking tape to hold the each hanger end close to the cardboard.

Caution: Ensure the tape’s surface is smooth to prevent the hanger from snagging on the shirt.

Step 10: Conduct One Final Inspection

Ensure the frame of the tent is straight and secure. If any adjustments are needed, gently remove the tape and use the pliers to bend the hangers into shape.

Warning: Applying excessive force while removing the tape could damage the cardboard.

Step 11: Apply the Cover

Pull the t-shirt over the frame. To make an opening, position the neck hole until it is facing the front of the tent. Then pull the shirt to ensure the opening is tight.

Step 12: Pin the Excess

While keeping the shirt pulled tight, apply the safety pins to the sleeves. Then flip the tent to expose the bottom and pin the shirt’s excess in place.

Step 13: Lay the Bedding in the Tent

Place the layers of soft fabric bedding inside the tent. Smooth the layers over to ensure it is comfortable for your cat.

Step 14: Apply the Catnip (Optional)

Lightly sprinkle the catnip onto the bedding to make the tent more attractive to your cat.

Step 15: Clean Up

To ensure cleanliness, place the tools and supplies back where they were acquired before the project. Discard any excess materials (tape, metal, cardboard) in the trash.

Step 16: Leave Your Feline Friend to His/her New Home